Wednesday, November 5, 2008


FOUNTAIN INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CHURCHPastor Wayne Hutto picked me up at Colorado Springs Airport

We were headed to Fountain Colorado

The colors were beautiful there.

The Hutto family has been at this church
for over 25 years. And have a great church.
I really enjoyed the fellowship with Pastor Hutto,
He is a hard working Pastor with a tender heart
that just loves the Lord and his people.
They also have several Sons and Daughters
serving the Lord. Several in this church.

The church building is over 100 years old

They have to have 2 services.

These two pictures are a little over half the attendance
No one was saved in the services, but we really did
enjoy preaching there as the people were already on
fire for the Lord and had just had a big number saved.

The choir had these cute members
They encourage the children to sing for the Lord
I also did a Visual Communications Seminar with the
whole church on Monday night, it was well attended
with some from other sister churches attending.

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